Publishing & Metadata Analysis
Currently when publishing a new asset there’s a 5 step definition process:
Metadata, Access, Pricing, Preview, Submit
The first three steps are forms with fields.
1. Metadata fields
Data NFT, Asset Type, Title, Description, Author, Tags, T&C
2. Access fields
Provider URL (auto), File, Sample file, Timeout*
- Timeout values: Forever, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year
3. Pricing fields
Choose tab Fixed|Free
- Fixed: Price (In Ocean, must be greater than or equal to 1, up to 6 decimals),
Community Swap Fee (auto 90%), Marketplace Fee (auto 0%)
4. Preview
Displays all the values for review.
5. Submit
Has 3 steps and 2 transactions:
- Create Tokens & Pricing [1 Transaction]
”The Data NFT representing your asset, the Datatokens defining access to it, and the pricing schema are all created in a single transaction.”
- Construct & Encrypt DDO
”Entered metadata is transformed into a structured document (DDO) where the file URLs, and the whole DDO itself are encrypted.”
- Publish DDO [1 Transaction]
”The encrypted DDO is stored on-chain as part of the Data NFT. Indexers like Aquarius can decrypt the DDO for displaying purposes, but the file URLs can only be decrypted by exchanging the respective datatokens for this asset.”
- Clicking the submit button launches Metamask.
Metadata Storage Format
The DDO is in JSON format. These are the fields: